

Natural Synergy

of brand service


CNDK FOCUS | Cross-cultural business advice®

CNDK FOCUS - Cross-Cultural Business Advice®

is a registered Danish company with trademark in EU

Let results speak KNOW HOW

Our concrete Hands-on-Experience services will lead you go no further…… Get to know CNDK FOCUS more, please look at some of the references in below

Designartem® by CNDK FOCUS continues to thrive our brand, the concept of “Cozy CooLiving” store focuses on Nordic lifestyle meets ancient Fengshui philosophy, vice versa.

Site: Designartem® selectively presented nordic/European talents ( 100% made in EU ) at Beijing Design week whom joined our B2B Service Solution at one of the highest Danish official business arrangement.

CNDK FOCUS: bridging and networking for Chinese & Danish entrepreneurship in relation with development of infrastructure planning and architectures for the major city

Site: Copenhagen Denmark - States-owned Chinese company delegates

CNDK FOCUS: creating networks and official visiting planer, generating the Sister Regional cooperation between Region Sjaelland Denmark and Zhejiang Province China,

Site: Søre Denmark - accompanied the delegates leaded by vice-governor of Zhejiang province

CNDK FOCUS: hands-oneExperience by consulting A-Z project: executed the entire exhibition of the health sector, involved & designed exhibition stand, included culture coaching and business visits arrangement in Yangzi Delta for Danish colleges

Site: Hangzhou city, China

CNDK FOCUS: match-making regional cooperation arrangement

Site: Roskilde Denmark

CNDK FOCUS business development: strategy plan followed by implemented a full project of years long-term cooperation partnership in the Nursing Education area, included additional exchanging study programs through the cooperation years between Danish-Chinese college schools

Execution site: signing cooperation agreement, Ringsted Denmark

CNDK FOCUS A-Z Service: from strategical idea, planning to execution for the Chinese official visits Denmark

Site: Copenhagen Denmark, delegates leaded by Vice Mayor of Shanghai