- decor

created in Denmark
Please send your inquiry of this original piece, made by order only. The creation inspired by Danish icons through viking times to famous writer as such legend Holger Danske, Little Mermaid by H. C Andersen… This original work created with free motion embroidery on textile by hand, collage with recycle materials to re-sewn and quilted. You can also find original version in limited posters as a wonderful souvenir from page gift & accessary
created in Denmark
Please send your inquiry of this original piece, made by order only. The creation inspired by Danish icons through viking times to famous writer as such legend Holger Danske, Little Mermaid by H. C Andersen… This original work created with free motion embroidery on textile by hand, collage with recycle materials to re-sewn and quilted. You can also find original version in limited posters as a wonderful souvenir from page gift & accessary
This is how it created and made:
From a photo transfer, cut cardboard paper, old maps on to textile, sewed it like a collage as free motion machine embroidery.
The art work name is followed:
1, Danish viking legend Holger Danske named: "BUM!" "BUM!"
2, Little Mermarid named: "DIN STEMME HØRES STADIGVÆK"
3, H.C Andersen named: “PLEASE DON´T TELL TELL TELL